Concise and comprehensive website/document generator
Write easily
Automatically generate
Write with
Markdown Or
jupyter notebook ,
automatically generate HTML pages
Cross platform
Plugins support
Multiple docs
Supoort multiple docs/version, each has its content(sidebar). Say bye bye to large number of domains for your docs
Support lite blog system
Default theme for efficient read, and you can install theme plugin
At the same time, it supports custom css and js, and can precisely control the style of any page element by specifying the id on the page
Theme can be customized
Faster generate
Real-time preview
Build in parallel, make full use of processor performance, and document rendering in an instant
Support browser real-time preview and modification
All generated static pages, copy to the server to complete the deployment
SEO friendly, such as page keywords customization, sitemap automatic generation, etc.
Simple to deploy
SEO friendly