Customize 404 page

Support custom 404 page (the page displayed when accessing the wrong URL), and support 404 page internationalization

Add 404 error page

Set the mapping between the url of the website root directory and the path in the site_config, such as

    "route": {
        "pages": {
            "/": "pages/index/zh"
    "translate": {
        "pages": {
            "/": [{
                    "url": "/en/",
                    "src": "pages/index/en"

Here the website root directory (/) is mapped to the folder pages/index/zh, you only need to create the file pages/index/zh/, and then add the content:

layout: 404.html


layout: 404

Users will return to this page when they visit the wrong path

404 Error Page Internationalization

The website root directory configuration mentioned above, if the locale is configured as zh in the config file under pages/index/zh, the content of the generated /404.html will be Chinese

If the user's browser language is set in other languages, such as English en, it will try to jump to /en/404.html, so we only need to:

  • Configure the path mapping of translate in site_config, as shown in the example above
  • Then create a new pages/index/en/, add content
layout: 404.html

If locale has a suffix, such as zh_CN, en_US, etc., the 404 page will automatically try to jump to the page in the same language as the browser setting, such as /en_US/404.html, /en -US/404.html, /en-us/404.html, /en_us/404.html stop redirecting until the page language and browser language are the same. When all links are tried to redirect It also stops jumping after failure

If the language you need has not been translated, there are two ways:

  • Can be achieved through [Custom 404 page] (#Customize-404-error-page-content)
  • You can also contribute translation, go to here, fork repository, and then git clone To your warehouse locally, add a new language to the locales.cfg file, and then execute python, which will generate a new translation file in the locales directory with the suffix .po, translate This file (to translate the po file, you can directly modify the text, or use other tools to translate), and then execute python will generate a mo binary file, you can submit the changes without errors, and then in githubCreate PR(Pull Request) to contribute translation to teedoc repository

Customize 404 error page content

Modify the template directly based on the theme, or inherit the template of the theme, such as slightly changing the body part of the 404.html page, just create a new my_404.html in the layout directory. Note that the file name cannot be the same Built-in file name conflict, if conflict, it will prompt generate html fail: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison:

{% extends "404.html" %}

{% block body_404 %}

Here is body
{{ body|safe }}

{% endblock%}

Then use this template in

layout: my_404.html