teedoc quick start

This document is mainly to let you who are new to contact you quickly get started. For more details, please see the more detailed documents later.

Install Python3

teedoc is a software developed based on Python3 language, and it needs the support of this software

For example, on Ubuntu:

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip git

Windows and macOS please go to Official Website Download

Install teedoc

Open the terminal (Windows press Ctrl+R and enter cmd), enter:

pip3 install teedoc

Use the following command to update the software later

Be sure to update the software and plug-ins at the same time before use, to prevent problems caused by different versions

pip3 install -U teedoc

If your network uses pypi.org and the speed is very slow, you can choose other sources, such as Tsinghua tuna source: pip3 install teedoc -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple

Now you can use the teedoc command in the terminal

If not, please check if the Python executable directory is not added to the environment variable PATH,
For example, it may be in ~/.local/bin

New Project

Create an empty directory to store the document project

mkdir my_site
cd my_site
teedoc init


teedoc -d my_site init

Select 1, which is the minimal template to generate, or you can directly generate it with teedoc -d my_site --template=minimal init

This will automatically generate some basic files in the my_site directory

In addition, in addition to using the init command to generate a minimal project, you can also get a source code of the official website document and modify it based on the content of this document

git clone https://github.com/teedoc/teedoc.github.io my_site


git clone https://gitee.com/teedoc/teedoc.gitee.io my_site

Install plugin

This will install the plugin according to the plugin settings of plugins in site_config.json

cd my_site
teedoc install

The plug-in is also released in the form of python package, so this will download the corresponding plug-in from pypi.org. Similarly, other sources can also be used, such as Tsinghua tuna source: teedoc -i https://pypi. tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple install

Be sure to update the software and plug-ins at the same time before use, to prevent problems caused by different versions

Build an HTML page and start an HTTP service

teedoc serve

This command will first build all HTML pages and copy resource files, and then start an HTTP service
If you only need to generate pages, use

teedoc build

After displaying Starting server at ...., it is fine

Open the browser to visit:

At the same time, you can see that there is an additional out directory under the directory, which is the generated static website content, directly copy it to the server and use nginx or apache for deployment.

Document structure

Because teedoc is specially designed for multi-document system, There is a basic concept, each document project contains multiple documents, and each document has its own configuration file named config You need to keep in mind first

There are several important files in the project:

  • The project root directory has a site_config.json file, which is the main configuration of the project
  • There can be multiple documents in the project, set in the route configuration item of site_config, each document directory must have config.json and sidebar.json (json file can also be yamlFile), config file is responsible for the configuration items of this document, such as the document name, multiple documents can use import to share a template

Add a document

  • Create a markdown (end with .md) file in the directory where this file is located, such as first.md, and add content

At the beginning of each article, there can be a metadata area to configure the related configuration of the article. At least one title is required. For more configuration items and document formats, please read the document

title: title

## Title


## Title Two

Content two

If there is no metadata area, at least one first-level title is required as the article title, such as:

# Article title

## Title One

Content One


Article title

## Title One

Content One
  • Add sidebar link in sidebar.yaml
-label: Brief
    file: README.md
-label: First
    file: first.md

Use pictures

There are three ways to use pictures in .md files:

  • Directly quote url, such as https://teedoc.github.io/static/image/logo.png or /static/image/logo.png

  • The relative path refers to the picture file. For example, ./assets/logo.png. For example

├── assets
     └── logo.png
├── config.json
├── README.md
└── sidebar.yaml

This is a document in the project, there are config configuration files and sidebar files below.
Directly quote ![logo](./assets/logo.png) in the README.md file.
It should be noted that you can only refer to the pictures of the folder in the current document, and you cannot use relative paths to refer to pictures outside of this document

  • If you need to refer to the resources of the path outside the current document, you can set the path mapping (route) to achieve, for example, there are files in the docs directory:
└── assets
     └── logo.png
      ├── config.json
      ├── README.md
      └── sidebar.yaml

When we quote ![logo](../assets/logo.png) in the README.md file, we will find that the image cannot be displayed

To make this kind of reference available, you need to set it in site_config

"route": {
    "docs": {
        "/doc1/": "docs/doc1"
    "assets": {
        "/static/": "static",
        "/assets/": "docs/assets"

This setting can be used.

The reason is: We set the document under docs/doc1 to render and copy it to the directory out/doc1, and copy docs/assets to out/assets, so the file under out/doc1 The document directly uses the relative path to reference the resource files in the out/assets directory

Locale setting

Set the document Locale so that certain pages and texts are displayed in the corresponding language, for example, the search plugin will generate corresponding search prompts based on the document Locale, etc.

In the config/config.json file, modify "locale": "en" to the actual Locale used, such as zh, zh_CN, zh_TW, en_US, ja, etc., more See more i18n document

More examples

For more information, please visit: teedoc.neucrack.com or teedoc.github.io

For more examples, visit: github.com/teedoc/teedoc.github.io or https://github.com/teedoc/template, or sipeed wiki