SEO (optimized for search engines)

SEO: Search Engine Optimization, which is search engine optimization. In order to make your website indexed by search engines so that users can search our website through search engines, we need to do some things:

Page keywords and description

Add keywords and descriptions to each page, it's ok if you don't add them, according the content if added, such as .md file header (source text on this page)

title: SEO (optimized for search engines)
keywords: teedoc, SEO, search optimization, search engine indexing
desc: How to use teedoc to do SEO (speed up search engines to include websites and pages)

This will automatically add a title to the article, and add keywords and descriptions to the HTML file for search engines to fetch

In addition, since the page will generate a first-level title based on this title, it is best not to use the first-level title for the article, and use the second-level title directly, such as:

title: SEO (optimized for search engines)
keywords: teedoc, SEO, search optimization, search engine indexing
desc: How to use teedoc to do SEO (speed up search engines to include websites and pages)

## Introduction

Here is the introduction

## Directory Two

Image alt info

When Use image in markdown, try to add description info for image




![description or label(alt info)](url)


A site map will be generated to /sitemap.xml, and a robot crawling rule to /robots.txt. You can submit the url of this sitemap in the webmaster background of the search engine, so Search engines will come to grab information

You can set the robots key value in the site_config.json to prevent crawlers from crawling certain files or content. For the format, please refer to the description of the robots key value in Instructions for use

End of page record information

In China, all websites need to be filed before they can be included by search engines. Add your website's file information in config.json. Note that the file information must be consistent with the domain name, otherwise it will be invalid